Alla SYE
Hello! My name is Alla. My experience in teaching is 27 years, I am a teacher of the highest qualification category, a teacher-methodologist. I have experience working both in regular classes and in advanced English classes. After my lessons, many of my students hone and test their knowledge on internships in the UK, where I often accompany them. I prefer to prepare for GIA and VNO, to work with high school students, as well as with adults.
For the last 7 years I have been teaching at an educational institution that trains sailors, during this time my teaching aids have been published: “English for sailors”, “English for minders”, “English for ship electricians”. Therefore, I will be happy to prepare future sailors, seafarers, namely: sailors, minders, ship electricians, cooks, boatswains, ship welders.
I love my teaching job. And, I hope, mutually. I spend time preparing for lessons and learning new things with pleasure. According to my horoscope, I am Libra, so I try to avoid conflicts, and most often I succeed. I think I am a diplomatic and friendly person on the one hand, but objective and fair on the other. Besides, I love creativity in my work, I’m not afraid to break stereotypes. I love travel and am not afraid of cardinal changes in my life. I do not consider work as the meaning of life, but, preferring harmony in everything, I know how to get a “high” from it and pass this state on to both students and colleagues.