5 английских идиом о плохом самочувствии
Мы представляем вам наиболее часто используемые в английском языке идиомы о чувствах и эмоциях. В этой статье собраны идиомы о плохом самочувствии.
Вы найдёте объяснение каждой идиомы на английском и русском языках, а также примеры, иллюстрирующие ее значение. Используя идиомы, вы сделаете свою английскую речь более интересной.
- Rachel seems pretty unhappy these days. I wonder why she’s feeling blue.
- Let’s try to cheer up the children. They’ve been pretty blue since their pet dog died.
Synonyms: down in the dumps; down in the mouth
lacking enthusiasm due to overexposure or too much of the same thing; completely used up; worn out
- Scott just couldn’t face another semester studying chemistry. He had taken so many chemistry classes
that he was burned out. - Betty got burned out spending so much time volunteering at the hospital. She decided she needed a vacation.
The expression suggests a device like a light bulb that burns out (stops shining) when all of its energy is used up.
- Years ago Sam was down and out. He had no job and no money.
- This is a shelter for the down and out of the city. The homeless can come here for a hot meal and a place to sleep at night.
The expression suggests the idea of being down at the bottom of society and out of luck.
to fall into disrepair; to deteriorate
- This restaurant used to be so fashionable and classy, but it has gone to the dogs since it changed management.
- This neighborhood is going to the dogs — the homeowners aren’t keeping their houses or their yards in good repair. It’s a shame.
Synonyms: go to pot / seed
unwell; ill
- John has not been looking very well these days. He’s under the weather.
- The children and I have had so many colds this winter. The whole family has been under the weather
for weeks.
Antonym: in the pink
Whereas in the pink can be applied to people, animals, or machines, under the weather is applied only to people or animals.
По материалам книги «In the Loop: A Reference Guide to American English Idioms»
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